Friday, February 22, 2013

Hamachi Network Adapter Conflicts

As stated in this forum:
Hamachi Logmein 'sometimes' conflicts with the network adapter on your local machine.

  • You cannot access the Internet but everyone else around you (on the same network) can.
  • Your internet icon in the bottom right has a small yellow exclamation on it.

Common Occurrences:

I myself have come across this issue on my own personal machine, However, i have only experienced this happen when on a "Public" network (for me, i was at school when it happened).

Temporary Solution:

After doing some research, i have concluded that there is in fact no "official fix" for this yet. However, after more research, i have found some temporary solutions that work well (like ColdPetRat's post in the link above on page 1). Here is how ColdPetRat explained his temporary fix:
  1. You need to run CMD with administrator privileges. Click the start menu > navigate to "all programs" > click on the Accessories Folder > Right click on "command prompt" and click 'run as administrator'
  2. In the cmd window, type the command "route print" and find the "interface list" (in the first section). The number you want is going to be the left most number that corresponds with "Hamachi Network Interface". For both ColdPetRat and Me, this number was 20.
  3. Now, type in the command "route delete IF # (replace # with your interface number). For example, here is what it would be for me: "route delete IF 20"
  4. Your done :) assuming that the command worked. (when my command worked, it simply said "OK!")

This is a very useful solution, but what if your a person like me who doesn't want to do this over and over again from time to time? Unfortunately, Logmein has not addressed this issue. However, i myself created two simple Batch scripts that will automatically run these commands every time you log in to your machine. Its a simple/dirty solution, but after some testing, i haven't had this adapter conflict since.

My Script Solution:

My batch scripts are simple and easy to use, however before you can actually use them, you need to edit in your OWN information into the scripts. Here is the info you will need:
  • The interface number for 'Hamachi Network Interface' from ColdPetRat's step 2 above.
  • An administrator accounts Username (this user must be enabled, cannot be a disabled account).
  • Path to your "startup" folder (XP, Vista, 7 is easy: start menu>all programs>find the startup folder>right click it and click 'browse'. Windows 8 is trickier because there is no start button, the pathway to it will be something like this: C:\Users\%user%\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\Startup).

OK, lets go ahead and download my two scripts...

Once downloaded, unzip them from the folder and place them in your "startup" folder. The startup folder is located here on XP, Vista, and 7: Start Menu>All Programs>Startup. On Windows 8, since there is no start button, you will need to manually fish through the folders until you find it; On my windows 8 machine, it was this path: C:\Users\%user%\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\Startup.

Once placed in the startup folder, right click on 'route.bat' and click 'edit', you should see the script in a text format. In this script (route.bat), you will need to replace "(active administrator)" with the username of an active administrator on your personal machine. You will also need to replace "(Path to execute.bat)" with the windows path to "execute.bat". For example: C:\Users\%user%\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\Startup\execute.bat, where %user% should be replaced with the folder name for that active administrator (C:\Users\Administrator\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\Startup for example).

Execute.bat is easier to configure. Simply right click on it, and click edit. Once you see the script in text format, look for where i have written "(place interface number)" and replace that with the number you got from ColdPetRat's step 2 (above).

Save the changes you have made to both scripts and close the scripts. You will need to run 'route.bat' once; simply double click on it. It is going to prompt you for the password of you user you provided in the script (if that user you provided doesn't have a password, give the user a password, or use a different administrative account with a password). You will only need to type in the password once, because the /savecred switch will save the password for later user (when the script is ran).

Viola! You are now done. :)

Hope this helps....

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